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Full Movie Online Turn Me On, Dammit! Streaming FREE

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 06 Juni 2013 | 13.25

Movie Title : Turn Me On, Dammit!
Release Date : Mar 30, 2012 Limited
Genre Movie :Comedy
Mpaa Rating : Unrated

Actors :Helene Bergsholm,Matias Myren Malin Bjorho...,Henriette Steenstrup,Beate Stofring,Lars Nordvedt Listau,Jon Bleiklie Devik,Julia Bache-Wiig,Julia Schacht,Arthur Berning,Hilde-Gunn Ommedal,Ole Johan Skjelbred,Finn Tokvam,Per Kjerstad Andersen,Olaug Nilssen,Yngve Hustad Reite,Ronny Brede Aase,Platon

15-year-old Alma (Helene Bergsholm) is consumed by her out-of-control hormones and fantasies that range from sweetly romantic images of Artur, the boyfriend she yearns for, to down-and-dirty daydreams about practically everybody she lays eyes on. Alma and her best friend Sara live in an insufferably boring little town in the hinterlands of Norway called Skoddeheimen, a place they loathe so much that every time their school bus passes the sign that names it, they routinely flip it off. After Alma has a stimulating yet awkward encounter with Artur, she makes the mistake of telling her incredulous friends, who ostracize her at school, until Sara can't even be seen with her. At home, Alma's single mother is overwhelmed and embarrassed by her daughter's extravagant phone sex bills and wears earplugs to muffle Alma's round-the-clock acts of self-gratification.
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New Visitor Ranting & Critics For Turn Me On, Dammit!

User Ranting Movie Turn Me On, Dammit! : 3.6
User Percentage For Turn Me On, Dammit! : 69 %
User Count Like for Turn Me On, Dammit! : 3,014

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New Review For Movie Turn Me On, Dammit!

The movie treats a girl's burgeoning sexuality as neither epic nor problematic, or mutually exclusive of feelings of love, but rather simply, refreshingly, as one part of maturing.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

Teenage boys aren't alone in exploring their confused and unruly libidos. Girls go there, too. And when they do, it's no small thing.
Amy Biancolli-San Francisco Chronicle

"Turn Me On, Dammit!" is a rarity: a comedy about a teenage girl's budding sexuality, treated with wit and kindness.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

A wry if saucily subversive charmer, based on a novel by Olaug Nilssen.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

For a genre dominated by American movies in which girls are usually prizes or objects of lust, Turn Me On, Dammit! practically feels revolutionary.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

Turn Me On, Dammit! is that rare thing: an honest coming-of-age story from the female perspective.
Alexandra Molotkow-Globe and Mail

Still, Jacobsen has created a lightly enjoyable quirky, witty comedy which isn't equivocal. It breezes by because of its charming affable script.
Ashley Norris-HeyUGuys

Director Jannicke Systad Jacobsen competently captures the awkwardness we all felt as teens and it's made that much more impressive considering the majority of her cast had never set foot in front of a camera before.
Erick Weber-NECN

With a cast mainly of first-time movie actors, led by the endearing gamine Bergsholm, Jacobsen covers the familiar coming-of-age material from a fresh, engaging perspective.
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune

True, the film deals with sex. But at heart, it's really about romance.
Calvin Wilson-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

... a sweet, low-key film that observes the turmoil of adolescence from the knowing eye of adulthood...
Sarah Boslaugh-PopMatters

[A]lmost shocking in how it depicts 15-year-old Alma's all-consuming confusion, anxiety, and sexual desperation: with a candid carnality the likes of which is de rigueur for the horny-boy subgenre...
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

There isn't much to [Alma's] story, but at 76 minutes, it breezes by as quickly as the changing of a teenager's moods.
Tricia Olszewski-Washington City Paper

If you're up for its frankness, it's a funny and tender coming-of-age tale.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

Teenage Alma takes on all of the taboos of Western sexuality in this delightful coming-of-age fairytale.
Ron Wilkinson-Monsters and Critics

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Movie Overview For Turn Me On, Dammit!
In Skoddeheimen, Norway, 15-year-old Alma is consumed by her hormones and fantasies that range from sweetly romantic images of Artur, the boyfriend she yearns for, to daydreams about practically everybody she lays eyes on.


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